Our Expertise
With over 28 years of experience, our expertise is sure to help - whether you're just starting out on
your own, or if you've been in practice for years.
SSMedtech's team of certified billers and coders submit your claims efficiently by using software that utilizes the latest technology to prevent or reduce billing errors. Our company has experience billing for various specialties, including physical and occupational therapy, internal medicine, hematology-oncology, dentistry, ophthalmology, orthopedics, durable medical equipment, home health, pain management, addiction medicine, psychiatry and urgent care. ​
Billing and Coding
SSMedtech provides coding advice, reimbursement analysis, and advice on services that can be added to your practice. Our team of consultants can also provide assistance with insurance contract renegotiation's, staff training, staff pre-screening and office reorganizations. Other consultation services include sitting in on software demos (EHR/PM), software training, fee schedule set up and form design.

Are you frustrated with completing those long confusing forms and online applications? Are you tired of getting nowhere with insurance reps? Would you rather spend your time focusing on your patients? SSMedtech's professional credentialing team has years of experience with completing applications correctly the first time. Our team also maintains your credentialing for you, so when it's time for re-credentialing with an insurance payer or hospital, we make sure your credentials remain current to ensure your credentialing remains in tact.
Does your front-office staff need training? SSMedTech has years of experience with training front-office staff with tasks such as obtaining proper patient demographics, HIPAA compliance, verification of insurance eligibility and benefits, and obtaining authorizations and referrals.
Although this service is offered along with our Medical Billing service, we also provide Insurance A/R Follow-up as an independent service for customers who wish to keep their billing in-house, but need help with their out of control insurance aging. Monthly reports and analysis of problem areas are also provided with this service.
A/R Follow-up
These days patients are now responsible for a larger portion of their medical bills - often between 30-35% of their medical costs. It's important that providers offer easier ways for patients to access their bills and make payments. That's why SSMedtech offers BillFlash technology to its clients.
BillFlash not only allows offices to send out professional bills to patients, but also offers multiple solutions for collecting from patients. Click the video below to learn more.